January 8, 2011

Harness Captured Energy

By the way this post has nothing to do with physics. It actual is about all those kids at malls you see trapped in the nucleolus called the play pen while their parents orbit the outside like electrons. How does this situation benefit the parents, the children, and the mall? The parents can't shop because they have to watch their child while they are in the play area being exposed to hundreds of germ either causing chaos or a subject to it.

The solution: Design an indoor sports center to attach to malls in place of o e department store. Offer sports instructional Classes that vary in length and are catered to separate age groups so the parents can drop their child off at the sports center then without having to move the car can do what they came to the mall for, shop!

And of course when Christmas comes around the sports center would drive extra traffic through housing the always jolly and lovable mall Santa.

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Posted by Anthony Nied