March 12, 2012

Cash Mob

As locally owned businesses continue to feel the pressures of the recession, credit card fees, and so much more, all across the nation communities are coming together in an effort to boost the bottom line at locally owned businesses.

What is a cash mob exactly? The general idea is that people organize a mob of sorts via social networking and other grassroots means of communication and then converge upon a business that is locally owned and gives back to the community in some manner. Whilst there mobsters follow three rules: Spend at least $20, Meet three new people, and Have fun!!!

Some argue that this onetime event does not have the potential to make a lasting effect on any one business; however, any local store owner will tell you that one of the hardest and most expensive aspects of owning a brick and mortar business is getting new customers in the door. Cash Mobs offer members of the local community a chance to discover a business they may not have known about and the event itself allows them to meet new people and share their common interest for supporting locally owned businesses. Mobsters are often found shopping other locally owned businesses shortly after participating in a Cash Mob.

So grab a $20 spot and Mob on America!
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Posted by Anthony Nied